Music and Stories

Easy to say, Easy to Play
Three popular Bible stories and sixteen easy songs to sing and play
Music by Roger Mayor
Publisher :Brf
ISBN:1 84101 221 1
Here is an illustrated song and story book to encourage young musicians. The stories of Creation, Noah and Jonah each contain five or six songs for the children to sing or play on the piano or recorder. Look out for newly- created planets that rock and roll, animals that hoot and honk as they enter the ark, and a singing (and hiccuping) whale who thinks he is the hero of Jonah's story!
Alongside each story there are musical tips, simple music terms, reminders and activities to reinforce what has been taught in music lessons or to reflect what is happening in the story.
Apart from its use by individual children, this book can also be used in assembly, or the stories performed in a concert with some of the children narrating the story and others singing and playing the songs. The songs and backing tracks are available on a CD – see below.
Photocopy permission is included.
I've never seen a book like Vicki Howie's before:Bible stories told in pictures, words and songs to play on a recorder, guitar or piano – and even some music theory thrown in. You could use them with your children at home, to stimulate their own playing and reading, or use them at Sunday School or ordinary school for enjoying together or in performance. There are three stories in this book:Creation, Noah, Jonah – we want more.
'Bookshelf', from Parish News
One new publication from Barnabas addresses recent concerns that children are increasingly unfamiliar with music and musical instruments. A most attractive means of encouraging musical enjoyment and participation.
Methodist Recorder
Easy to say, Easy to play CD
Music by Roger Mayor
Lyrics by Vicki Howie
Publisher: Brf
ISBN:1 84101 320 X
Sing-along Bible story songs for young musicians.
The music on this CD comprises the sixteen songs from the book Easy to say, Easy to play! The songs tell the story of Creation (The song of the Earth), Noah (God's smiling rainbow) and Jonah (Jonah on the high C's).
Apart from its use by individuals, this CD can also be used in school assembly to help the children explore the theme of the three Bible stories, or to accompany a performance of one of the stories in a class presentation or puppet show.
The CD includes backing tracks.